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With the kind support of Comune of  Sgonico-Zgonik and the association AŠD KRAS
Promotional race - 2nd Stage of
"Winter Orienteering Circuit of Karst" (WOCK)

sunday 21st december 2008


TECHNICAL DATA:                                    Entries received      Bulletin n°1 (italian)      Results

EVENT DIRECTOR:         Vlasta Jarc;
COURSE PLANNER:       Renato Pelessoni;
CONTROLLER:                Franco Valli;
START:                              GO-Cai Monfalcone;
FINISH:                             GO-Cai Monfalcone;
TYPE OF RACE:               karstly terrain, many hills and dolines;
RACE MAP:                      Sgonico - Zgonik, scale 1:7'500, contour interval 5 m, year 1998, update 2008;
PUNCHING SYSTEM:     classic;
COURSES:                        A difficult (3,5 km + 65 m; 14 cp), B intermediate (2,2 km + 40 m; 12 cp), C easy (1,6 km, + 20 m; 12 cp); (*)
CATEGORIES:                  M/WA, M/WB, M/WC, Girls&Boys (12 years old or younger);
ENTRIES AND INFO:      e-mail:; for category G&B, also by competition center until 10:00 am;
DEADLINE:                       thursday 18th december for A, B and C categories; also the day of the race (subject to map availability) for G&B category;
ENTRY FEES:                   €. 4,00 for A, B and C categories; €. 3,00 for G&B.

NOTES: although the courses has been carefully chosen, so they won't be dangerous and every effort has been taken to prevent damages to the runners during the race, the organizers disclaim all responsibility about any unforeseeable fact that would happen during the event; the runners take part in the competition at their own risk. Late entries, if accepted by organization, will have an additional amount of €. 2,00.
(*) the Girls&Boys course has the same data of C course, but one different lantern.

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